International workshop "Opposing Europe? Anti-europenism, Euroscepticism, Populism and Radical Democracy"
On 20-21 November 2017, the international workshop "Opposing Europe? Anti-europenism, Euroscepticism, Populism and Radical Democracy" was held at the University of Parma.
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- 19/11/2019 - Inter-departmental Open-Up Call - presentations of the results of the research activity
- 18/11/2019 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2019-2020
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- 12/02/2019 - Art, politics and war
- 05/12/2018 - First roundtable on "The implementation in Italy of international human rights treaties monitoring bodies' decisions: problkms and lacunae"
- 20/11/2018 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2018/2019
- 12/10/2018 - Artificial iIntelligence and the Law: How to Regulate a New World
- 10/10/2018 - First Parma International Conference on Deliberative Democracy
- 24/09/2018 - Rsearchers' Night - 2018 edition
- 25/06/2018 - Summer School "Europe and Rights"
- 22/05/2018 - HumaniSea Challenge
- 19/04/2018 - Strategies to counter organized crime: prevention, repression and protection of rights
- 20/03/2018 - Lectio magistralis Prof. Alessandro Colombo
- 13/03/2018 - Presentation of the project HumaniSea Challenge
- 07/03/2018 - Workshop "Dialogue and recognition between national and international courts"
- 01/02/2018 - Workshop "Towards Increased Security? Legal Challenges for International Civil Aviation"
- 04/12/2017 - International conference on "Health, Environment and Food and Risk Regulation. Focus on: Good Governance, Intellectual Property Rights and Consumer Protection"
- 20/11/2017 - International workshop "Opposing Europe? Anti-europenism, Euroscepticism, Populism and Radical Democracy"
- 14/11/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Sergio Fabbrini
- 19/10/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Giuliano Amato
- 05/10/2017 - International conference "Neuroscience and law: implications and perspectives"
- 19/06/2017 - Workshop "New Technologies as Shields and Swords: Challenges for International, European Union and Domestic Law"
- 05/06/2017 - Summer School "Europe and Migrants"
- 24/05/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Massimo Cacciari
- 28/03/2017 - Seminars on Applied Economics
- 15/02/2017 - Tavola rotonda di discussione del volume: F. Mosconi, European Industrial Policy - Global Competitiveness and the Manufacturing Renaissance (Routledge, 2015)
- 09/02/2017 - 4 CSEIA scholarships for enrollment in the II level University Master Course in Health, Environment and Food: European Law and Risk Regulation
- 14/11/2016 - Meeting with Department for European Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Minister
- 09/11/2016 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2016-2017
- 06/10/2016 - Workshop “Risk Assessment and Communication in Food Safety and Nutrition”
- 05/10/2016 - CSEIA inaugural conference - Dr. Giovanni Buttarelli