Artificial iIntelligence and the Law: How to Regulate a New World
On 12 October 2018, the conference "Artificial intelligence and law how to regulate a new world" took place at the University of Parma. The event has been organized by the Italian Association of Constitutionalists, in collaboration with the Department of Law, Political and International Studies of the University of Parma, the University Center of Bioethics of the same University, and CSEIA.
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- 26/09/2020 - Reseacher Nights 2020 - Open-up presentations
- 19/11/2019 - Inter-departmental Open-Up Call - presentations of the results of the research activity
- 18/11/2019 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2019-2020
- 06/05/2019 - Second roundtable on "The implementation in Italy of international human rights treaties monitoring bodies' decisions: problems and lacunae"
- 27/03/2019 - The Destruction of Memory
- 13/02/2019 - Workshop Industry 4.0: modello tedesco e modello emilano a confronto
- 12/02/2019 - Art, politics and war
- 05/12/2018 - First roundtable on "The implementation in Italy of international human rights treaties monitoring bodies' decisions: problkms and lacunae"
- 20/11/2018 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2018/2019
- 12/10/2018 - Artificial iIntelligence and the Law: How to Regulate a New World
- 10/10/2018 - First Parma International Conference on Deliberative Democracy
- 24/09/2018 - Rsearchers' Night - 2018 edition
- 25/06/2018 - Summer School "Europe and Rights"
- 22/05/2018 - HumaniSea Challenge
- 19/04/2018 - Strategies to counter organized crime: prevention, repression and protection of rights
- 20/03/2018 - Lectio magistralis Prof. Alessandro Colombo
- 13/03/2018 - Presentation of the project HumaniSea Challenge
- 07/03/2018 - Workshop "Dialogue and recognition between national and international courts"
- 01/02/2018 - Workshop "Towards Increased Security? Legal Challenges for International Civil Aviation"
- 04/12/2017 - International conference on "Health, Environment and Food and Risk Regulation. Focus on: Good Governance, Intellectual Property Rights and Consumer Protection"
- 20/11/2017 - International workshop "Opposing Europe? Anti-europenism, Euroscepticism, Populism and Radical Democracy"
- 14/11/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Sergio Fabbrini
- 19/10/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Giuliano Amato
- 05/10/2017 - International conference "Neuroscience and law: implications and perspectives"
- 19/06/2017 - Workshop "New Technologies as Shields and Swords: Challenges for International, European Union and Domestic Law"
- 05/06/2017 - Summer School "Europe and Migrants"
- 24/05/2017 - Il senso dell'Europa: sessant'anni del processo di integrazione europea - Prof. Massimo Cacciari
- 28/03/2017 - Seminars on Applied Economics
- 15/02/2017 - Tavola rotonda di discussione del volume: F. Mosconi, European Industrial Policy - Global Competitiveness and the Manufacturing Renaissance (Routledge, 2015)
- 09/02/2017 - 4 CSEIA scholarships for enrollment in the II level University Master Course in Health, Environment and Food: European Law and Risk Regulation
- 14/11/2016 - Meeting with Department for European Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Minister
- 09/11/2016 - Opening speech - Political Sciences Degrees - a.y. 2016-2017
- 06/10/2016 - Workshop “Risk Assessment and Communication in Food Safety and Nutrition”
- 05/10/2016 - CSEIA inaugural conference - Dr. Giovanni Buttarelli