Environment, Food and Health
Coordinators: Daniele Del Rio, Laura Pineschi & Lucia Scaffardi
The project focuses on the analysis of some of the most innovative aspects in the risk assessment sector, focusing, in particular, on the knowledge required to successfully face the challenges that food safety poses and will continue to pose in the near future. Particular attention will also be paid to the issues of environmental protection and health.
Dissemination Events and Research Products
The international conference "Health, Environment and Food and Risk Regulation. Focus on: Good Governance, Intellectual Property Rights and Consumer Protection", took place on 4 December 2017. The event was co-organized by CSEIA and gLAWcal as the first annual meeting of the Master in Health, Environment, Food and Risk Regulation of the University of Parma.
On Thursday 6 October 2016, a workshop on “Risk Assessment and Communication in Food Safety and Nutrition”, organized by CSEIA, was held at the University of Parma.